Friday, December 30, 2011

Remme Christmas

Christmas Eve was spent down in Faribault at Josh's parents' house.
It was a VERY relaxing day, which was PERFECT.
We had a fabulous dinner, hung out with Josh's grandparents and then went to the Christmas Eve service at church.

Here is a pic of Grandma and Grandpa Remme with the boys!

Once again Carter with his eyes closed.
It's hard to get a pic of 1 of these little active guys, but both at the same time....may be impossible.

Auntie Carissa cuddling with the boys

Grandma Remme with Carter

Grandpa and Grandma Shultz

Carter having a blast with this Grandpa

Me and the this guy :)

Aaaaah this is a perfect little shot that shows how relaxing the day was.
Carter snuggling with his momma in the recliner :)

Family pic...Carter's eyes are open and Lily is looking... SUCCESS!

Dean, Jackie and Chloe

The boys in their matching PJs and on their new couch!

Carissa helping the little man open up his gifts

Cohen playing in his new tunnel!

Such a dork.... :) Just kidding Eric