Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas with Nana, Grandpa Jeff and Bran

Friday evening we headed down to Nana and Grandpa
Jeff's house in Bloomington.
It was a great night of relaxing...a yummy pasta dinner and lots of new toys to play with!

Uncle Brandon got Carter a remote control race track.
I love this pic...
Carter is just thinking, "Hey guys when do I get to play with my new toy?"

Lightning McQueen style
Thanks to Nana and Grandpa Jeff!

As we were walking down the steps Carter says...
"Thank You Santa Caauus"

Lily got all prettied up for Christmas too!

Josh and his new Santa hat, I should have taken a
picture of his new slippers too :)

It was a fun filled weekend, very thankful I got to spend
so much time with family (missed out last year because of work)

Stay tuned for pics from the rest of the Holiday.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Merry Christmas!!