Monday, December 5, 2011

Thanksgiving Part One

Thanksgiving was spent with my family in Prior Lake. The day was filled of lots and lots of yummy food, and lounging with family. It was a beautiful day out!
Most of the kids played football outside for most of the time.
Carter had plenty of cousins who were willing to push him in the swing.

Amy and Teagan all smiles

Baby Morgan came just in time for her first Thanksgiving! She is too cute!

Sleepy girl bundled up outside.

Sister picture :)

The kiddos.

Britty and Allie

Carter and Nana

Adorable little Morgan, and yes that is Carter's hand 'petting her'

Carter was all about holding her....well for about 20 seconds.
Then something else would catch his attention.

We took so many pics I had to make two posts for Thanksgiving.
Stay tuned for part 2 :)