Sunday, December 11, 2011

We celebrated the holidays with Jackie's family last weekend in Owatonna.
I had already made plans to scrapbook all weekend with Mana and Amy, but was able to make it down for most of the celebration. It was so great to hang out with family. Carissa, Eric and Cohen also made the trip down and we all stayed at Jackie and Dean's Saturday night.

Oh my gosh this was too cute....
Every time I held the camera up and said "SMILE!"
I got this!
Hehe I love this little out that I have a two year old that does not cooperate for pictures....I will have that much more time to snap pics of you :)
Get ready for some bright flashes when auntie is around....

Carter and his daddy

What a big boy!
Walking all over the place and saying so many things!
Like stinky, momma, and lily!

Love this picture of Carter and Grandpa Schultz.
These two were having a grand time playing with cars.


Carissa said...

Cohen will always take kisses from Auntie!