Monday, September 21, 2009

Carter TImothy has arrived!!

So I am finally getting to updating our blog....but I would say we have a pretty good excuse :)

Last bump picture....42 weeks...morning of my induction

Last Monday (Sept 14th) I arrived at the hospital around 8 AM for my induction.  We started Pitocin and then waited for baby to get the hint that it is time to come out!  Most of the morning was spent walking the halls and visiting with coworkers (since I work on the floor I delivered).  Around 3 in the afternoon I started having strong contractions but was only at a 4.5.  For about 45 minutes I was having contractions with only a 20 second rest in between each one.  My mom who has worked as an L&D nurse said I should be having at least 1 min to 1.5 min in between each one.  Then Mr. Carter told us that he was a little stressed with the strong contractions.  His heart rate dropped into the 90's, and therefore they turned the Pitocin off.  Mybody had kicked in on its own and I started having contractions without the pitocin, and let me tell you....I liked those contractions waaaay better than the pitocin ones :)  Later in the afternoon they did have to turn the pit back on, but at a much lower level.  I got an epidural at 6pm....and oh man....FABULOUS is all I have to say :)  I was just watching the contractions on the monitor and didn't feel a thing!  Around 1:30 AM I started getting uncomfortable and was having a ton of pressure.  The nurse checked me and I was at 7.5.  30 minutes later I was dilated to 10 and was ready to push!  I pushed for about an hour.  My mom and Josh were so amazing, I couldn't have done it without them!  I had a fabulous nurse and the midwives were amazing!  They were there the entire day and were constantly checking in.  

Baby boy Carter Timothy arrived at 3:03 AM, weighing 9 lbs 3 oz and was 22 in long!  The week before everyone guessed I was having a 6 or 7 lb baby, even the midwives.....well we proved them wrong!  It was such an amazing experience and what a wonderful feeling when they put him on my chest right afterwards!  For being two weeks overdue Carter was just fine.  His skin wasn't dry at all and there wasn't any meconium in the amniotic fluid.  Josh instantly fell in love.  He was so amazed with what just happened, it was pretty neat to see how excited he was.  My mom fell in love at first sight as well....She even posted a picture with him and called him her 'favorite person in the world.'  What are we chop liver??!!  haha only kidding.

Our big boy
YAY! He has arrived!
So in love

Carter with Daddy

Nana Lynn

After his first bath

It was a great experience and we are so thankful to have such a healthy boy.  We are soooo in love with the little guy!

Sleepy time with my baby boy

Thursday, September 10, 2009

stubborn or laid back??

I am hoping our little boy is just so content and laid will make it much easier for when he is out :)  I don't know if we can handle another stubborn boy in the is plenty...hehe.  Only joking Joshua ... well sort of :)  I am 41 weeks and 1 day, wooo hooo!  Oh wait, it isn't as exciting as it was before to get to another week mark.  I was hoping this little boy would have arrived 2 weeks ago :)  I am getting a little stir crazy, I don't feel like doing a whole ton, but I also feel like I am going crazy at home...waiting.  

I had another appointment today, I am currently dilated to a 2/3.  He looked good on the stress test, so we will just wait for our little one to decide when its time.  Hopefully it will be SOMETIME soon!  Plan is still to induce Monday if he doesn't come before then.  I will then be 41 weeks and 5 days.  Hopefully I will be updating before then :)  

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

quick little update

Here's a little update after todays appointments:

Plans have changed :)  I had an ultrasound this morning and baby boy is doing fine and dandy.  My amniotic fluid is above average and during the stress test his heart rate was fabulous.  Plan was to induce tomorrow, but we are going to give it a couple more days.  Because both him and I are doing well, we might as well try to let things happen naturally.  Because of the Pitocin induction labors are so much more intense and the chances of a c-section/medical intervention also increases dramatically.  We are now thinking Monday if he doesn't come before that.  Good news is I am dilated a little :)  1.5 to be exact :)  So hopefully that is a good sign.   

Friday, September 4, 2009

Eviction Notice

Haha...well this little boy of ours has received his eviction notice.  Just to update everyone, I went in for my 40 week appointment on Wednesday (Sept 2nd, his due date).  Everything is fine and dandy, other than the fact that I am still at a big FAT ZERO!  haha, I guess you can only laugh.  So she wasn't able to strip my membranes, since I wasn't dilated at all.  I have been feeling just great, maybe too great.  No contractions, no false alarms etc.  So we discussed the plan.  He has until next Tuesday to make an appearance, otherwise he will be evicted :)  I have an ultrasound on Tuesday morning to check my AFI (amniotic fluid) then I will go to the clinic so they can check my cervix, and if I haven't made any progress I will be admitted to the hospital Tuesday night for an induction.  The actual induction would happen Wednesday morning.  So he could be born on 9-9-09 which would be pretty neat!  However, I am still technically an elective induction on Wednesday, so if they are busy, I would be the first one off of the list.  Lets just cross our fingers and hope that he comes on his own this weekend.  Maybe I could go into labor on labor day!  I will keep everyone updated!

(Oh and I just got my maternity pics in the mail today!! Very exciting!! These were taken by a girlfriend from Faribault (she is super talented).  They were taken at Como Park in St. Paul at 38 weeks.  She took a million, so I just put a 'few' up as a slideshow above)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Still Preggo

Well it looks like I am having a September baby :)  Everyone kept telling me to wait for the sapphire anyways :)  Nothing much to blog about, other than the fact that I am still pregnant!  I finished up work last Wednesday, but picked up a shift on Friday night (money talks).  It was crazy this weekend at the hospital!  Babies were popping out like crazy!  Unfortunately, mine didn't get the message.  Honestly though, I am feeling good, I don't have anything to complain about and if baby Carter needs some more time to cook, then I am okay with that :)

Friday/Saturday we were pretty busy anyways with our little Lily dog.  She got extremely sick, I will spare you the details, but we had to bring her in for medications and IV fluids.  We also made a trip to the emergency vet at 10pm Saturday night as well :(  She is doing much better now, back to her old self.  But she gave us quite the scare.  Josh was up with her allll night on Friday (I told him its good practice for being a new daddy :)  

Sunday my Grandpa Weier was in town from Boston, so we went out to lunch with him.  He's always very entertaining and we were very happy to see him :)  My mom and brother hung out into the evening.  We had a great time sitting on the porch watching all the neighbor kiddos play.  I also spent some of the evening running up and down the sidewalk.  Unfortunately, that did not induce labor, it just made me look like a major dork at 9 months pregnant.

Yesterday I went down to Bloomington and stopped at Babies R Us and bought a couple more things for our baby boy.  We are pretty much he can come at anytime!  Here is my 39 week bump.....even though I will be 40 weeks tomorrow!!  Oh and baby Remme is the size of a mini watermelon this week.