Thursday, December 8, 2011

Family Pics at Thanksgiving

Since it was so beautiful out on Thanksgiving...all of the families took advantage and snapped lots and lots of pictures. Carter was NOT about smiling for these pics, so we had to trick him.

No Carter is not smiling for the camera in this picture...he is laughing at his big cousin Mark zoom down the hill in a tractor. Well at least we got a family pic!

Oh the you girlies.

All of the grandchildren/great grandchildren!!!
(Well except Rachel who is out East at school, we will have to photo shop her in :)

My mom and her sisters. Along with Grandma and Grandpa!


The Lundeen family all smiles!

Me and my hubby.
love you punk.

Kelly and her zoolander face

The Thompson Family with the newest addition!

Thank You Judie and Randy for having all of us over for Thanksgiving.
Having a 1 week old in the house probably didn't make it too easy to prepare.
The food was AMAZING and the company was even better!