Thursday, December 1, 2011

Macy's Display

It is now a tradition to head downtown each year
to see the Macy's Christmas display.
We had a yummy lunch at Benihana
(my new pregnancy craving....I can't get enough)

I snapped this pic of Chef Carter.....

Even though it was still the same displays, they added the reindeer barn.
Carter could have stayed at the display all day long.

Carter and his Nana.

Mommy and Carter in front of the singing trees.

This picture is going to be a classic....
We walked in to see santa and Carter was somewhat excited....until....
we asked him if he wanted to sit on santa's lap.
Then he said "I scared"

Josh is going to kill me for posting this pic....
But I swear Carter ASKED for this hat and the purse :)
Josh said my mom and I won't be allowed to take him shopping if this is what happens.