Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christmas Tree!

Last Sunday we went and chopped down our tree!
It was a little spendy at the place we went to this year, so we chopped down one, and then got the other at Home Depot :)

Carter had a blast in the sled, picking out the perfect tree.
We even got to go for a hayride around the tree farm.

I love love love this time of the year, and seriously I think I want to change professions to professional tree decorator.
I could decorate trees all day long....so therapeutic :)

Here are my boys staying warm on the hayride....

I told him if he smiles for a picture with momma he could ride the tractor...
only way to get him to smile now a days :)

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!


Carissa said...

So cute! Love the new picture on your blog too!