Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Carter has met his match

Oh my goodness.....is it true???

Has Carter finally met another little one that will fight back???

Mr. Landon Peroutka came and visited us a couple weekends ago along with his mommy and daddy. Even though he is 8 months younger he definitely did not back down when Carter tried his "MINE!!" tricks.

The two of them were SO funny together.
Of course with the million toys surrounding them in our basement, they wanted the SAME toy.

Carter is used to grabbing a toy from another little one here and getting his way without much of a fight.

Well Landon went right back after Carter....A couple times the two of them were full out wrestling on the ground over a toy.

I can imagine that this is how Josh and Ross would have been when they were young-ins :)

We had so much fun with the Peroutkas!
And wish we could hang out with them Way more often!