Saturday, November 19, 2011

Morgan Marie has arrived!

Morgan Marie has arrived!

My cousin Paige had her baby on Thursday.

Everything went so well (I told her I was secretly very jealous of how wonderful her labor was). But really I am so happy for her and babe.

She arrived on November 17th, weighing 7 lb 1 oz and a whole 19 3/4 in long.

How incredibly adorable is she???? .... I know .... She is BEAUTIFUL!

Proud Auntie Britty

Momma and her little one

(Paige I can remember when you were Carter's age and your mom found you with Desitin ALLLLL over your baby doll's bottom) Just was practicing for this little one! (Just an FYI you don't have to use the whole tube this time for each diaper change :)

BIG yawn!

I just want to snuggle her. love love love her.

What a proud Grandma!
And look Judie! She really was smiling!

Welcome to our family Morgan Marie.

There will be plenty of cousins who will want to 'hold you standing up'
and cousins who will not understand that at age 9 months you shouldn't be going down steep stairs by yourself, and cousins who you should probably avoid until they get a little more gentle (AKA carter)

You have so many cousins, aunties, uncles, grandma's and grandpa's who already love you so much! Get ready to be held and cuddled A LOT.