Thursday, May 3, 2012

Zoo Fun!

 A couple weekends ago on a beautiful Saturday my mom and I took the kiddos to the MN Zoo.
We bought a zoo pass (totally worth it if you go twice)
Carter loved it.  He went a couple times last year with Nana and was very fascinated with all of the construction equipment and the putt putt tractor (no change this year)

We could just skip the zoo and sit and watch road construction for free :)

Anyways, it was the first beautiful weekend, therefore EVERYONE in the state of MN thought the same thing... Lets go to the Zoo!
It was a tad bit busy, but we had a blast.

Here are my two munchkins

Carter loving the "tiger"  (well that's what he insisted it was)

This little girl did this the WHOLE afternoon.
She was very content in her stroller

Nana and Carter hanging out with the goats at the farm babies exhibit

Little baby lamb.

His absolute favorite part...however this time he had to share the Putt putt tractor.
We may just have to spend another day at Grandpa Thompson's so he can get his tractor fix.