Saturday, May 19, 2012

Ben's 1st Communion

 My Godson Ben is getting so big!
We celebrated his first communion with him a couple weekends ago.
He knew all of the answers when the priest asked him questions during the service....
we were all VERY impressed!

How cute does he look in his adorable suit.
What a handsome little man.
Aunt Debbie, Ben and I

Ben with Auntie Lynn

Ben with 2 of his brothers....Where is Grant?
He may not have been allowed in the pic since he had black eyes and a broken nose from a soccer incident....
haha just kidding Grant :)
Allie and Miss Reese

Ben and his cape
Yes he did take his school pictures with this cape....oooh Ben.....too cute!

Kelly and her God-daughter Kayli

Reese and Morgan!

Reese, Teagan and I

This is the ONE picture I got of Carter....weird playing with a tractor....The WHOLE time he insisted on leaving to walk up the driveway to the FARM.
This boy is OBSESSED with tractors.

Amy and Reese cuddling.