Monday, May 7, 2012

lovin up my munchkins

loving up my munchkins

I am such a lucky girl to be able to spend all of this time with these two cuties.

I am definitely going to miss these little faces when I have to go back to work.

(Even though my cute little 2 1/2 year old has been testing mommy's patience lately)

But how can you stay mad at this cute face.....

Reese is getting to be such a big girl!
The shirt explains it all...she loves her milk :)

Carter insists on laying with Reese under her play mat.
She absolutely loves this, sprawled out flat on the floor is her favorite.
She is such a squirmy little one, cuddle time isn't really her thing.

little sister...

I love when babes sleep with the arms up like this....way too cute.

Carter continues to be a great big brother.
We did learn not to wrap her up in one of "HIS" blankets.
He may have pulled the blanket and poor little Reese went flying.
(That was a BIG timeout for the little man)

Most of the time he is awesome.
As I am writing this post he came over and starting talking to his little sister, he then said, "She has a BOOGER!"  And ran and got a Kleenex for her :)


Carissa said...

Cute, cute, cute!