Thursday, May 17, 2012

2 Months Old!

Our little peanut is already 2 months old!
(well these pics were taken more around the 2 1/2 month mark, however I forgot my camera in Lakeville last weekend, so the pics were postponed.)

We had her 2 month appointment on May 9th and here are her stats:

Weight:  11 lb. 5.5 oz.  (50%)
Height:  23 1/2 inches  (75%)
Head: 38.5 cm  (50-75%)

No wonder why she looks so long....she's a skinny little girl with her Grandpa Tim's height :)

Reese also got her first shots... :(
But she did great, one cry and then momma comforted her and she was all better!
Big Brother Carter also comforted her and held her hand as he said, "It's okay Reese....It's okay."

Reese is a smiley little girl.
She is very very content and flashes us a smile often.
She LOVES her mobile at night especially.
We lay her down and she just stares, smiles and coos at it.

Reese is getting to be such a big girl:
She can hold her head up very well.
She holds on tight to toys/rattles/rings that we place in her hands.

She is VERY content when lying flat on the floor under her play gym and often just falls asleep that way.
At night she continues to sleep like a champ!
8-9 hours EVERY night!
Most of the time she goes down at 9 pm and sleeps until 5 or 6
I feed her before bed and if she is still awake she lays quietly in her crib until she drifts off to sleep for the night....I know....I am NEVER going to complain about how easy we have had it with this little gal.

And of course....The one time I am taking a picture of Reese....Carter INSISTED on being in the pic.
But if I ever want a pic of is like pulling teeth.

I had to include this from Carter's 2 month post:
"I brought him in for his 2 month checkup on Tuesday.  He now weights 14 lb 9 oz (97th percentile) and is 24 1/4 inches long (90-97th percentile)  He is wearing 6 month clothing and does not fit in the 0-6 month socks anymore."

Reese is definitely a petite little girl compared to her big bro :)