Saturday, May 5, 2012

Mr. and Mrs. Hale

Last Saturday we were invited to one of my coworker's wedding.
I was so incredibly excited to see Miss Kayla get married!
She was absolutely beautiful!
Her and Brad looked so happy!
Carter got to play at auntie's house all weekend with lil cuz cohen, while mommy, daddy and Reese went to the wedding.

My beautiful coworkers!  It was so much fun seeing everyone from work.  I am definitely loving my time off, but I do miss all of them a ton!   April, Hannah, Hanna, Andrea, Holly and her fiance, along with Susan and her husband were all able to celebrate with Kayla on her special day!  It was a blast!  And Reese definitely got her snuggle time in with everyone :)

Father-daughter it.

 Me and the hubs enjoying the reception.

Congrats Mr. and Mrs. happy for the two of you!