Wednesday, May 30, 2012

This past weekend we had another wedding!

Caitlin and Jason Keck got hitched!
Caitlin is Josh's cousin.
They were married in Owatonna....Biggest wedding we have every been to.
There were so many people there to celebrate the love birds :)

Me and my sissy

Reese with her Great-Grandma Schultz

Family picture attempt

mini me...much?

My little princess

Family photo!

Jackie and Dean with their grandbabies

SCORE!!!  I got you smiling Mr Cohen man :) hehe

These two are so much fun!

Carter and Cohen showing off their dance moves.  Cohen was so focused...and Carter just bobbed his head up and down.   Way too cute!!

The BEAUTIFUL Bride and her BEAUTIFUL sister

LOVED all of the decor!
Caitlin is so creative.
What a beautiful wedding!

Congrats Jason and Caitlin!