Monday, June 18, 2012

Mr. and Mrs. Azize

Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Azize.
I was so incredibly bummed that June 2nd was my second day back to work, and unfortunately I missed Chelsey and Cliff's wedding.  However, I QUICKLY got ready after work, tucked in Miss Reese and headed to St. Paul for the reception.  (I made it just in time for the PARTY!)

Chelsey is a girlfriend that I have known since the 3rd grade (Yes we started our basketball careers together in open house....and yes I have a picture of us, I am wearing jean shorts rolled up with black spandex underneath....classy)

This pair is just the CUTEST....both Chelsey and Cliff live in NYC where Chelsey is a designer for Ralph Lauren.  She made such a BEAUTIFUL bride!

Love ya chels and I wish you ALL the happiness in the world!

The Bride and Groom

Me, the Bride and her maid of honor Mana!

So amazing....friends since the 4th grade!

SO cute

Mandy and her hubs...too cute!

Love this pic!  Mandy's mom and dad dancing the night away!