Sunday, June 24, 2012

Allie Graduates!

Another cousin graduates (I feel so old!)
Miss Allie Mosser graduated with the class of 2012 from Lakeville South (along with my cousin Kory) 
We also have another cousin (Sarah) who graduated this year from Colorado and will be attending St. Thomas.

Allie will be headed to Notre Dame this fall.

So excited for you Allie and your new adventure!

Reese with her daddy.

ooooh what a tough life Miss Reese with her Uncle Brandon

Mike and Amy

Kayli the tough girl

Kor man and Reese (She looks so little in his arms!)

Jenny and Reese

Oh the cousin-ship
Reese with Amy and Kelly

Morgan all tuckered out with her Auntie Brittany

An attempt at a family pic

The Graduates!  Allie and Kory!