Thursday, June 28, 2012


Our baby girl was baptized on June 17th, 2012.
What a wonderful day with family.
She looked so darn cute in her beautiful baptismal gown.
Made by her Nana along with a matching bonnet.
It looked like a mini wedding dress.

We had a great celebration afterwards at the Lundeen house.
Thank you everyone for sharing in her special day!

As they are pouring the water Carter says,
"Are they going to give her a bath?"
And as the Pastor carried her down the aisle he said,
"Bring her back to me!"
Josh and I definitely could not keep in our giggles.

We bribed Carter with a four-wheeler ride to get this smile out of him

Reese's God-Parents.
Eric and Carissa (Uncle and Auntie)
Paige (my cousin) and Uncle Brandon

Nana and Grandpa Jeff

These two are VERY LUCKY to have a total of 9 Great-Grandparents (including Jeff's parents who are not pictured)
We love our Grandmas and Grandpas so much!
From the Left:
Grandma and Grandpa Thompson (Farmer Grandpa to Carter)
Grandma Virginia and Grandpa Jack Schultz
Grandma Arlene Remme
Grandma Cordelia Alfaro
Grandpa Don Weier in the back.

Teagan and Miss Reese

Me and My Peanut
If you look closely she is wearing an adorable bracelet from Auntie Kristin (Blue is her birthstone)

Grandma and Grandpa Remme loving her up

Really mom??  Another outfit?

Grant and Carter having some fun!