Wednesday, June 13, 2012

3 months .... slow down!

Can you even believe it...(well I can't)
Our baby girl is 3 months old.
I almost feel bad saying this all of the time, but she is seriously so so so good.
Sleeps through the night.
Completely content kicking her legs and playing on the floor.
Only cries if her tummy is hungry.
She loves loves loves bath time....those little legs are just a kickin the whole time!
And so far she has been a good little girl for Dawn at daycare.

I think going back to work has let Reese get used to other people holding her and caring for her.
She seems a lot more content in daddy's arms now as compared to before.

Reese almost automatically rolls from her back to her front when on the ground.
She enjoys sitting in her bumbo chair (and especially likes watching her big brother run around)

She is still a little peanut (compared to big bro at this time)
She is still in 3 month clothing (and the white onesie she has on is NB)

We have a busy weekend ahead with grad parties and her baptism.
I am so excited to see her in her BEAUTIFUL dress.

And EVERYONE still comments on how much she resembles her big brother with those big eyes and button nose :)