Saturday, June 30, 2012

Two peas in a pod

These two make me giggle.
They are too cute together.
Maddie lives two houses down from us.  Our backyards are all connected.  And when one of them spots the other one out playing it is a direct bee-line to each other.
We constantly hear "Can I play with Maddie!"
Maddie will be 4 this summer.
She is so great with Carter and definitely has been teaching him things like "sharing."
I tell her parents constantly that Carter is ten times easier to watch when she is around.
He stays very entertained.

Carter even put his arm around her by the fire-pit and said, "I just love you Maddie."
(Maddie's dad wasn't too impressed with this comment :)

Here they are at the Albertville Carnival

hehe way too cute
Both with their orange pop mustaches

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Our baby girl was baptized on June 17th, 2012.
What a wonderful day with family.
She looked so darn cute in her beautiful baptismal gown.
Made by her Nana along with a matching bonnet.
It looked like a mini wedding dress.

We had a great celebration afterwards at the Lundeen house.
Thank you everyone for sharing in her special day!

As they are pouring the water Carter says,
"Are they going to give her a bath?"
And as the Pastor carried her down the aisle he said,
"Bring her back to me!"
Josh and I definitely could not keep in our giggles.

We bribed Carter with a four-wheeler ride to get this smile out of him

Reese's God-Parents.
Eric and Carissa (Uncle and Auntie)
Paige (my cousin) and Uncle Brandon

Nana and Grandpa Jeff

These two are VERY LUCKY to have a total of 9 Great-Grandparents (including Jeff's parents who are not pictured)
We love our Grandmas and Grandpas so much!
From the Left:
Grandma and Grandpa Thompson (Farmer Grandpa to Carter)
Grandma Virginia and Grandpa Jack Schultz
Grandma Arlene Remme
Grandma Cordelia Alfaro
Grandpa Don Weier in the back.

Teagan and Miss Reese

Me and My Peanut
If you look closely she is wearing an adorable bracelet from Auntie Kristin (Blue is her birthstone)

Grandma and Grandpa Remme loving her up

Really mom??  Another outfit?

Grant and Carter having some fun!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

King Kor Man

King Kor Man graduates!
My cousin Kory (who lived across the field from us and was the BABY) is all grown up!
He graduated with the class of 2012 from Lakeville South.
Kory was the homecoming King this year.

He will be headed to River Falls where he will play football for them!

Congrats Kor Man!

Cousins...Kayli, Ben, Jenny, Morgan, Carter and Teagan

What a are too cute Morgan!

Morgan and Reese
Morgan was loving Reese's flower

Look closely....Bruce mowed the lawn to say "KING KOR MAN"
Love it.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Allie Graduates!

Another cousin graduates (I feel so old!)
Miss Allie Mosser graduated with the class of 2012 from Lakeville South (along with my cousin Kory) 
We also have another cousin (Sarah) who graduated this year from Colorado and will be attending St. Thomas.

Allie will be headed to Notre Dame this fall.

So excited for you Allie and your new adventure!

Reese with her daddy.

ooooh what a tough life Miss Reese with her Uncle Brandon

Mike and Amy

Kayli the tough girl

Kor man and Reese (She looks so little in his arms!)

Jenny and Reese

Oh the cousin-ship
Reese with Amy and Kelly

Morgan all tuckered out with her Auntie Brittany

An attempt at a family pic

The Graduates!  Allie and Kory!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Meeting the Weier Side

Grandma Alfaro from the Massachusetts came to visit this past week.
She made the special trip for Reese's Baptism.  My Grandpa Weier also made the trek.

The Friday before her baptism we met up in Shoreview to have lunch at my Aunt and Uncle's house.

This was the first time Reese met my Dad's side of the family.

Reese cuddling with Great-Grandma Alfaro

My little peanut

Reese, Grandma, Nana and Carter

My cousin Remya and Carter

Remya said to her Mom after seeing Carter, "That boy thinks he knows EVERYTHING."
Well Miss Remya...there is no arguing with a 2 year old :)  You probably won't win.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Soon to be Mrs. Kollar!

2 weekends ago I made the trip to Rochester to celebrate Miss Bekah's Bachelorette Party!
Her and Joe will be getting married this week in Jamaica.
I will try not to tear up writing this...but unfortunately the all inclusive resort (where josh and I actually had our honeymoon) does not allow little 3 month old babes to come with.  Boooo
So I will be thinking of the two of them while and sending them lots and lots of love from MN.

Bekah and I have been close friends since the 9th grade.
She is going to make such a BEAUTIFUL bride and I cannot wait to see all of the pictures.
We love you Bekah and we wish you all the happiness in your new life with Joe!

"The Brunette side"  Molly, Sheri, Bekah and I.  No lie...we sat this way at the table ... Brunette side and Blonde side.

The "Blonde Side"   Rachel, Leslie, Cassie and Sally

The Bride to Be!

Love this pic of Mols and I

Such a fun night!  This winery has a place in Rochester where you can have the entire space to yourself.  We bought a case of wine and the owners left leaving us girls in charge :)

After the wine 'tasting' we met up with Joe and his buddies at the comedy club.

All of the girls

Bekah and her sister

I had to include this pic....the end of the night....and yes we are "cheers-ing" our food!