Monday, March 12, 2012

Reese's Arrival Cont.

Little Miss Reese you definitely have a
lot of people who love you....It's a good thing we had the party room, plenty of room for lots of visitors!

The cousins: Big Cuz Cohen, Big Bro Carter and Lil Cuz Reese

Reese with Paige and Miss Morgan
(Thank You again Morgan for all of the cute clothes!)

Mana getting some snuggle time in

Reese cuddling with Amanda!

Maddy and Carter
Miss Molly and the little princess
Auntie Carissa (Cohen wasn't too happy about his mommy holding another babe)

He didn't really quite know what to think of this little babe.... :)

Snoozing away. This was early morning, I just couldn't sleep because I was staring at her and all of her cuteness.

Dress up time!

Seriously...already daddy's little girl

Paige and David
My aunt and uncle, Judie and Randy
Grandma Remme with her first grand-daughter
Uncle Eric
Grandpa and Grandma Remme
mmmmm can you see the cheesecake...Thank you to Angela (one of my coworkers) So Tasty!
Our decorated door :)

Little Reese's going home outfit
(The one girly outfit I bought, since I was convinced we were having a little boy)

Mommy and Daddy bringing their little girl home!

Not so sure about the carseat

Daddy at home with his girls :)
Lily didn't seem to care too much about the new babe.
She tends to stay near her actually, since that area is usually well protected from a certain 2 year old.

Me and all of my babies.