Thursday, March 8, 2012

Reese Taylor Remme

40 weeks and time to meet our little babe!
Our sweet baby girl arrived on March 3rd 2012 at 9:40 pm.
She weighed 7lb. 13oz. and was 20 1/2 in long.

Saturday morning I was induced on my due date.
Carter was a big boy, and since my body had been through labor before, we decided to induce.
I delivered at MGH where I work, and let me tell you....I felt like a VIP.

My entire labor room was decorated when I walked in. The night girls were definitely busy, but found time to make my room look fabulous!

Terri started out the day with us. She of course was fabulous.
Dr. Manneh just broke my water and the plan was to see what happened.
Well nothing happened in regards to contractions....but I was happy I could entertain Carissa, my mom and multiple coworkers when my water decided to REALLY BREAK in the middle of
the hallway (a far ways a way from my room :) I now feel so horrible for women who are out in public when that happens...a LITTLE embarassing.

My Fabulous Team. My sister in law Carissa was there to experience her first birth (well other than her own) My supportive momma and my amazing hubby. I was one lucky girl to have such a great group of people surrounding me.

My babes need to be kicked out of their comfy home in there, so we started Pitocin at 1pm.
April took over at 3pm and had her little fingers on the pump all afternoon increasing the Pit.
Even though she covered it up....her smirk and glance my way told me she was on a mission to get this babe out :)
True labor probably didn't start until around 5.
I wasn't progressing as fast as I had planned, and ended up hanging out at a 7 for 2 hours.
Epidural at 6:30 and Miss Taylor Reese at 9:40.
She was a little sideways coming down, so April had me doing acrobats trying to get her to turn :)
April and Ginny both stayed after their shift to be a part of Miss Reese's Birthday Party
(Like I said, I have some pretty amazing coworkers)

She came out, I glanced up and saw girl parts....everyone was yelling IT'S A GIRL!
I will tell you, it didn't hit me until about 15 minutes later.
They opened her up and said....SEE!

I kept a secret for 20 weeks.
I went to the ultrasound and told the tech that I didn't want to find out the sex.
She had me look away when she was down in that region, and then right after said "Let's look at his little feet." (Well that is what I thought she said, obviously I need to get my hearing checked.) So for 20 weeks, I have been the only one that was 100% sure we were getting another little boy (which I was very excited about as well....I just wanted a healthy babe, boy or girl). I wanted to keep it a surprise for everyone else, Josh included.

So......Joke was on me.....I ended up being the MOST surprised person.
My mom mentioned that it was kind of weird I hadn't been out looking for girly things for a nursery. In my mind we were all set to bring a baby boy home into Carter's sailboat nursery.

I think this is when it hit me....I was overcome with tears of joy.

Not only did I have my own personal labor team, but I had a GREAT group of ladies there on my baby girl's birthday. Thank You April, Dr. Manneh, Diane and Ginny.
Reese says she loves all of you and she is thankful you made it to the party as well :)

Just taking it all in. We were instantly in LOVE.


I think she instantly became Daddy's little girl.

Her cute little tootsies.

Big brother Carter meeting his baby sister Reese.

April snuggling with our baby girl

Our little family of four!

My coworkers as soon as she came out....began decorating our postpartum room with lots and lots of pink!! Sophia came on and replaced April and got us all ready to head over to postpartum. We walked in to yet another fabulous room....this one fit for a princess.
Alisha gave Reese her first bath.
Ashley, Sarah and Jen were such AMAZING postpartum nurses. :)
And Reese was even snuggled to pieces in the nursery for a couple hours
(Holly just kept telling everyone she was busy cuddling Reese)

Reese's first bath.

Nice and content under the warmer. She looks so much like her big brother!
Daddy's button nose and mommy's long fingers and toes :)

We had lots and lots of visitors in the hospital and at many people wanted to come meet our sweet little princess.

More updates to come: Carter meeting his baby sister, visitors and of course more pics :)

We are soooo in LOVE. And are so incredibly thankful to have had such an AMAZING experience. She is a beautiful, healthy baby girl and for that we are truly blessed.
Thank You to EVERYONE for all of the generosity, love and kind messages.
And welcome Baby Reese....we love you so much and are very excited to watch you grow into a beautiful little girl. (But don't do it too fast....)


Carissa said...

I am so happy that I was able to be a part of your special day and Reese's birthday! It was an amazing experience! Reese is absolutely perfect. We love her to pieces!! XOXO