Sunday, March 18, 2012

Happy St. Patty's

My lucky charms.....

Hope everyone had a great St. Patty's Day!
We definitely took advantage of the weather....with temps in the 80's, Carter spent the ENTIRE day outside with Grandpa Remme and Josh. They played baseball, soccer, went to the park and wore out the battery on the tractor power wheel 3 times!
He is big enough for the more powerful one, so Josh just had a blast chasing after him as he took off. :)
Mommy, Reese, Grandma, Cohen and Carissa went down to Owatonna for a bridal shower for Caitlin who is getting married this May.

We ended the night at the Peroutka house. And let me tell you, Landon and Carter are a perfect pair. They both are pretty aggressive and don't like to share toys (therefore they end up in a full out brawl.) Not going to lie, it is kind of funny to watch. Carter always gets to be the 'bully' around Cohen, so getting a taste of his own medicine, might be exactly what he needs :)

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!!