Monday, October 3, 2016

A Perfect Fall Weekend

What an amazing Fall Weekend.  For those of you who were able to spend some time know exactly what I am talking about!  We had a wonderful weekend together as a family.  Saturday morning we had the pleasure of working with Amy (Chubby Cheeks Photography).  An amazing woman who so generously took family photos for us.  She was just an angel and I am so incredibly thankful for all of the Amazing people God has brought into our lives.

After our photo session we headed to Dehn's Pumpkin Patch!
Carter successfully navigated us through the corn maze...the kiddos spent some time in the corn pit....and we went for a hayride around the property.  (Carter even got to drive the tractor!)

Harrison dominated the mini donuts

We had some friends over Saturday night and enjoyed a yummy lasagna dinner (Thank you Jill Brand) and hung out by the bonfire.  (Perfect out...and no bugs!)  

Sunday the kids and I ventured down to Owatonna where we went to Josh's Aunt's Farm.  She is writing a children's book and asked if she could take pictures of the kids picking pumpkins!  Reese just fell in love with the sweet little kitties....too bad Daddy is allergic.   On the way home we stopped at Grandma and Grandpa Remme's church and the kids painted pumpkins, jumped in the bouncy house and got their face painted.

I ended the weekend camping with my Maple Grove Hospital girls.  We celebrated a great coworker's  (Dana) Birthday and wished her well on her adventure to New York.  It was nice to see all of the ladies....the hugs and snuggles were exactly what this girl needed!

This weekend was a wonderful reminder of living in the moment.  I took in each breath of fresh fall air and savored every memory.  

On September 30th, my daily devotion stated:  Your future is in My hands; I release it to you day by day, moment by moment.  Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow.  I want you to live this day abundantly, seeing all there is to see, doing all there is to do.

Well if that didn't hit the nail on the head....

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend too!