Thursday, September 29, 2016

My Baby Boy is ONE

Well Mr.  Harrison you are following your big brother and big sister in the sense that you are growing up way too fast for this Momma.  (Yes he is 13 months going on 14) but I wanted to post these adorable pictures that my girlfriend Kara took the other week.  It's amazing how it only takes 10 minutes to truly capture a child's personality.

Those baby blues

I love when he grabs on to your arm when you are holding him.
Even though he is always going 100 mph he holds on tight when you snuggle him.

Peek A Boo heart is exploding!

Love love love this one.
This is what he does any time he sees a big truck or tractor!

The most common question we get Harrison is:
Where did he get his blue eyes and blonde hair!?
Well he wouldn't be Harrison Dean if he didn't do things a little different from his big bro and sis
And seriously...those dimples and baby blues are sooooo cute

yup...this is turbo give him 10 seconds and he is OFF!

I just wonder what this little man is thinking about here :)

I know as parents we always like to think about what their little personalities will bring to this world. I don't know exactly what Harrison is going to do....but I will tell you....he will do it at 100mph.  And as he is whizzing by he will flash those blue eyes and those dimples and people will fall in love.