How could I have forgotten to write about our new friends....
As most of you know. We sold our home in August. We were planning on buying a lake property, but the stars didn't align and we were officially homeless the week before school started.
Well after my diagnosis, I wanted one thing and one thing only and that was a house to live in that feels like a home.
My sister-in-law Erin and my Mom went on a mission. They found us a fantastic home. In a great neighborhood, across the street from a park. New carpet, appliances....etc.
We found out there are tenants that share the property with us.
I can honestly tell you I haven't seen a snake in 10 years. Probably the last time was in college running cross country.
Well we have a family of them. I don't want to even know the number....but there are A LOT of them.
We found out they were here the day we moved in. (Our friends/family/neighbors helped us move). And let me tell you it is a sight to see....when there are grown men high-knee sprinting down your driveway because of the snake sightings.
Our dear friends Kara and Joe Holman, instantly got a pit in their stomachs. Ugh oh, was this some sort of bad omen for the Remme Family. Especially after my diagnosis.
Well they did some research and found out quickly that these little "friends" of ours may be a very good sign.
I got a text from Kara with a screen shot from a book her mother-in-law has.
I am learning....
If a snake shows up in your life it generally means: healing, transformation, life changes, spiritual guidance.
Well isn't that just fancy.
OK people. No more googling Stage 4 Breast Cancer statistics. BUT google away when it comes to snakes and their meaning.
I still refuse to use my front door. AND I would not be upset if they leave our yard now that we got their message.
Oh and just 2 weeks ago when I was on a walk with neighbors a slithery snake crossed our path. Stopped on the side and just waited. Yes we screamed, yes I swore, but once again.....a dang snake! (15 miles away from our house!) It still found me!
I feel great. The back and hip pain are minimal now (go away silly tumors). And again, we are just so overwhelmed with the amount of love coming our way. I am so thankful for each and every one of you.
I meet with my oncologist and the genetic counselor within the next 2 weeks. (I told them I would love to "plateau" for a while) No news, no change....(except for the better). So no major update whe it comes to the C word. But I thought this would be fun to share with all of you. My trust is in research, providers, the treatment plan and God's love, but isn't horrible if we have some other signs pointing us in the "healing" direction!
When a snake appears in your life, it likely means that healing opportunities, change, important transitions and increased energy are manifesting.
The medical symbol has 2 snakes entertwined...representing the god of medicine (in Greek mythology).
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
4 weeks ago
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