Sunday, November 24, 2013

BFFs and babies

Holy cow ...  I wish we could go back to 6th grade and show these pictures to our 
middle school selves.  
I have known these girls since the 6th grade and now we have Mini me's!!

We had a great sleepover a couple weekends ago. babies!

Sweet little Ellie.  How cute are those bottom teeth!!

AAAWWW  Cutie Patootie Drea

Look at those piggies from Auntie Mana!

All of the kiddos!

Ready for the drive home!

Reese checking the babes out

What a sweet smile!!
Love you girls!

Next year Miss Amy will have a munchkin to add to the bunch!  Another boy for Carter to hang out with!

Cupcakes for Birthdays and Babies!!
Loving her bath in the sink!


Unknown said...

I always LOVE your posts, especially this one. Love you ladies and all your adorable babies! Cannot wait for Little Star to join the clan!