Monday, December 16, 2013


Wow I am behind.  Yes it is a week before Christmas and I am currently blogging about Halloween.  Better late than never ... right?

Carter started his Halloween celebration with a Preschool Costume Party!
It was so much fun to see all of the littles dressed up!
Reese of course wanted to stay for the party :)

 Our little diva

Trick or Treating!

Nana came up for the evening!

Our neighbors invited us over for a Pre-Trick-or-Treating Pizza Party!  We had a ton of fun!

Best one I got of these two together :)

The neighborhood group (actually....just our street :)  Lots and lots of littles!

Carter's bestie Maddie

Landon and Carter Trick or Treating at our house!

Lily even got dressed up!

Glenda the Good Witch

Josh the Nerd