Saturday, December 28, 2013

It began to look a lot like Christmas

I meant to post this BEFORE Christmas with the title being "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas."

But with the hustle and bustle of the holidays the blog once again was put on the back burner.  

Dexter made his appearance again this year.
He was a creative little guy.
Once night we found him partying with all of his buddies.
Candy, Cookies and Syrup were on the menu.
Carter thought it was pretty funny....Reese just wanted her Minnie back ;)

Mommy had to give up a little bit of her OCD control.
Carter helped decorate the tree.
I had to tell him that Santa called and said he likes when the ornaments are evenly dispersed on the tree. (NOT ALL IN ONE BIG CLUMP)
He did a great job and really got into this year!

Of course we had a blast with our annual tradition of cutting down two trees.  We found a great place in Clearwater where we will probably go from now on.  A huge field of trees, a large craft store with ornaments and next year we will go when Santa arrives via helicopter! 

Finding the perfect trees!!

This little lady had a blast running around!

We started a new tradition this year.  I got the idea off of one of the blogs I follow.  Sleepover night under the Christmas tree!  Reese and I ended up being the ones who lasted all night.  I think as they get older it will get more and more fun!

Another tradition of ours that we started with Carter's first Christmas.   Josh and I buy the kiddos a Christmas/Winter book and write a little message inside Wishing them a Merry Christmas and the date given.  I got this adorable magazine/book holder from my Mom for my birthday so we used it for all of our Christmas books!  It has been fun to have them out on display.

This was an extra special Christmas being that we are in our new house and got to try out all of our Christmas decor in a new space!  I of course had a blast decorating and once again would totally quit my day job if I could decorate Christmas trees all day long :)

Yet another tradition is to pick out an ornament each year.  This bell is the one Reese picked out.  I guided her  to this one in particular (it made fun noises and wasn't breakable :)

Of course another favorite of mine is wrapping pretty presents that coordinate with each of our trees :)  I can thank my Mom for this OCD tradition :)

Hand prints!  Well and a doggy foot print :)  And thanks to Carter ALL THREE were hung right by each other ;)

I love this.
I found this card holder at a garage sale, painted it white,
added a bow and put up all of our past Christmas cards.
7 years of wonderful memories!

My favorite part about this pic (I didn't realize it until I made this blog) is the Grinch in the background (one of my FAVORITE Christmas movies :)

The "kid tree" where all of the ornaments that aren't silver/red go :)
I have really started to love this tree and all of the
ornaments that have so many memories!