Monday, July 15, 2013

Splash Pad Fun!

What a perfect way to spend a hot summer day!

At the splash pad!

I loved it because it was so much easier to bring 2 peanuts to as opposed to the pool or beach.  We met Carissa and Cohen and Courtney and Hudson for the afternoon.
We ended our fun adventure at "Donalds" for some yummy happy meals!

Having so much fun!

Me and the diva

She wasn't too sure about the water fountains

Cheezy smile

The whole gang!

aaaaaah so cute!

Funny Faces!

These two are just the cutest!

My sweet boy having tons of fun!

mmmm Snack time!  Reese's favorite part of the day!
Carissa and this one!  Next year there will be another little lady in the mix