Monday, June 24, 2013

Drea Belle Dennis

Sweet Drea Belle decided to make an appearance early!
She came at 36 weeks :)

How sweet is she.
I could just cuddle and snug her all day long!

Congrats Danny and Mandy....she is absolutely adorable!

Reese checking the little babe out.
Can't leave her alone with Miss Drea yet.  My little peanut is probably a tad bit aggressive for Drea's liking :)

Carter was so excited!!!

Catching some zzzzz's on her bili bed :)

aaaah sweet baby girl

tiny fingers

I just loooove her!

kiddos with there new little bestie

Oh my gosh Ellie you are so stinking cute!
Milk coma :)

What an adorable chunk a monk.

HAHAHA we got all of them in a pic!

Ellie is not very happy :)

The newbies!

Adorable Brooks just chillin

Sweet baby girl!