Thursday, July 18, 2013

Soon to be Mrs. Lundeen

Our 'baby' cousin Kevin is getting hitched!
Well he isn't so much a baby anymore, but growing up he was the youngest out of the older cousins.
Him and Jacqueline are getting married on August 3rd.
The other weekend we celebrated with the family and had a bridal shower for Jacqueline.
All of us are So happy for the two of them!  
They are a perfect couple and are just the cutest High School Sweethearts!
We can't wait for Jacqueline to be a part of the cousinship!

Look at how cute that is!  

The bride to be opening up gifts

A bucket of household essentials from the Remme Family

Teagan and Kayli with the bride to be

Carter hanging out with the guys inside :)

The banner I made!

Such a cute idea!

Lots of pretty pretty flowers!

hmmm weird they stole my camera :)

Little Miss Morgan

Kel and Amy


Nothing but trouble :)

And after the shower we headed down to the pool!