Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Remme Getaway!

Summertime Summertime Sum sum summertime 
I think one of my favorite weekends is our Remme Family weekend when we pick some place fun to go with Josh's parents and Sister, brother in law and nephew.

This year we picked Brainerd again and stayed at a hotel with an indoor water park.
The kiddos LOVED it.
We had connecting rooms. 
Carter called it "Cohen's apartment"

There was also a video/arcade where the munchkins had fun winning tickets and prizes!

Just be prepared....this is a picture overload
I just had to post all of these cute ones we got!

HOLY CUTENESS  These two are almost impossible to get a great picture of.  Usually one is looking the other way and the other isn't smiling.  How adorable are these boys!!  Best friends!

HEHEHE I could just squeeze those cute adorable cheeks!

Carter at the water park!

Reese with her favorite Auntie!!

These boys were fearless (well at least the little ones)
I think Josh and Eric were petrified :)

Reese and her little lip.  Hanging out with Grandma Remme!

Too cool hanging out with Grandpa!

We even went to Paul Bunyan Land for the afternoon.

Carter had a blast on all of the rides!

and so did Cohen!!

Giggling with Uncle Eric

Perfect place to be....on Daddy's shoulders!

Josh and the munchkins

Family picture while waiting for a train ride!

Riding on the train!

The Chap Family (I love this one!!)
Cohen looks so excited!!

Trouble makers in jail :)

I think Cohen was trying to use his cute looks to get him out :)

Jackie and Dean with the Grandbabies.  There will be another one in this mix next year!

Josh and Carissa took this same pic when they were little!

Reese looking up at the Ginormous Paul!

The boys snuggling and watching a movie!
We had such a blast.  The weather was great, the food was yummy, but the company was the best!!


Carissa said...

Love all the pictures!