Sunday, September 30, 2012

Treasure Hunting

Well this weekend was full of treasure hunting!

It started out Friday night when Reese and I did some treasure hunting at the outlet mall :)
A stop at Carters for Reesey girl and a stop at Banana....and both mommy and baby were happy!

Saturday morning I got up nice and early and met up with Carissa in Cokato.
We ventured to Dassel where we checked out Whimsy Green.
Such a sweet family.  Sisters and a Mother who love to decorate and re purpose furniture.
I always love following her blog to see her updates. 
Check them out at Whimsy Green or Proverbs31 Blog
She used to teach with Carissa, so I have followed her blog through her.
Very touching story, send them lots and lots of prayers these next few weeks as the road ahead is a tough one.

I took some pictures of all of the things I found in the gorgeous red barn!

I also stumbled upon 2 stores in Buffalo....Yesterday's Charm and The Porch & Atelier 
(such cute finds!!)

Gorgeous basket and Fall sign from Whimsy and a cute mason jar from Yesterday's Charm

I found these Amazing little chalkboard signs at The Porch & Atelier

Part of my new furniture piece from Whimsy.
It had a chalkboard door so I decided to add a little pizazz with
a cute idea I got off of etsy.

We had to do some rearranging to make it all work.

The final result.....and I luuuurv it!!

Another sweet little find at Whimsy.  I am in love with this
sweet little birdy.
She sits above my kitchen sink in the sunlight.

I added a little sign to my planter on the window sill.
loving those sweet little signs.

Another adorable find at Whimsy.  (and if you think that I actually could leave something like this out on our ottoman you are very WRONG)  I snapped a picture of how cute it could be for entertaining and then blew out the candle, brought the peanuts up to the counter and dumped out the wine (jk I drank the wine) but you know what I meant :)

Oooooh and by treasures you wouldn't think that I would leave out my cute new necklaces that I found :)

HAHAHA and this made me laugh.  I wrote "Happy Fall" in chalk and 2 minutes later I came back and it looked like this.  I guess Carter isn't that happy about Fall :)


Carissa said...

Ohhhh....I can't wait to see it in person! Looks awesome!

allie said...

It looks so cute!! You did an awesome job pulling it all together:)