Wednesday, September 12, 2012

End of the Summer

Can you even believe it....Summer is coming to an end.
I personally am pretty excited.  I LOVE fall time and all of the holidays that soon follow!

I was going through my pics and thought a good end of the summer post was in store.

Little Reese all dressed up to go to Burger King with Nana, Mommy and Carter.
On Nana's days off she often comes up here and Burger King is usually Carter's request.  He has a blast hanging out in the play area.

The zoo was probably our favorite part about this summer.  For those of you who have little ones I HIGHLY recommend a family pass to the MN zoo.  You only need to go twice to pay it off and it is such a great place!  We do something different each time we go.

Reesey girl hanging out in the stroller, staying out of the sun :)

Carter having an absolute BLAST with all of the goats at the farm.

Ben came with us this time!

So did Kayli and Teagan!

All of the kiddos at the Tiger exhibit.

We ended the day at the fountains.  Everyone was drenched!

Reese very entertained watching all of the kiddos!

I could barely take his picture he was running around so fast!

Two weekends ago we headed down to The Peroutka's in Savage.  We spent the evening hanging out with the Augsburg crew.  Carter and Landon had a blast!
Here they are patiently waiting for some treats!

Love these pics that the neighbors took!
All of the girls the night before the 1st day of school.
Reese has so much fun hanging out with these girls. 
(Hopefully they will continue to enjoy her presence since she might be toddling behind them in the years to come :)

What a cute group of girlies!