Monday, September 10, 2012

Cabin Weekend

Josh and I had a great time a couple weekends ago hanging out with friends up North!
Each year we head to Clitheral, MN and spend the weekend at our good friend Tara's Grandparent's cabin.  They are so incredibly generous to allow us up there each year....and we always have a blast!
Aaaand this was the first year I wasn't pregnant!  The first year we went I was 8 months preggo and the second I was only in my first trimester but was pukey miss pukerson.  
It was the perfect weekend!  The weather was gorgeous and we had such a great time on the lake, playing games and sitting by the fire!  And a big thank you to Josh's parents for watching the munchkins all weekend!

Andrea and Jesse!

Taylor and Tara!

Me and the Hubs

A little evening swim (I just stood on the dock and took pics :)

Crazy girlies

Buddies from Augsburg!
What a great group of friends we have!
We ALWAYS have a blast!