Monday, September 29, 2014

Remme Family Vacation

What an amazing vacation we had with Josh's family up North at Loon's Landing near Grand Rapids.
The weather was absolutely perfect, the company was awesome and the accomodations were fantastic!
The kids were outside THE WHOLE TIME and had a blast.
There was a lot of time spent by the beach and in the lake.
The kids even got to try fishing!
Carter wasn't too excited about the actual fish, but little Reese was very interested.

We had a nice evening cruise with the group on the pontoon.

We joked all weekend because there were two bald eagles circling the resort.
Well I think they had spotted our little lily dog.
So we called her EB all weekend 
(Eagle Bait)
Just like the movie when the eagle flies away with the fluffy white pup.

Miss Brynlee was nice and comfy with her Mommy on the pontoon

A great pic of Jackie and Dean!

This little girl loving the pontoon ride!

These boys had so much fun ALLL weekend!

Reese and her daddy

A beautiful sunset

Reese helping Erin Drive the boat!

Love Finn

Look what we caught!

playing some horseshoes

This little guy got cleared to eat peanuts!  Auntie made him his very first special K bar!

Our beautiful view from our cabin at Loon's Landing

Bags tourney

Love this little girl and that little tongue

One of my favorite pics!


Our little munchkins

Grandma and Grandpa with the grand babes

A family pic!

Once again....Thank You Loon's Landing for letting us enjoy your beautiful resort!