Saturday, September 20, 2014

Brandon's Surprise Birthday Weekend!

So Miss Erin (My brother's amazing girlfriend)
planned a surprise birthday weekend for him up at her family's resort near Grand Rapids.
What an awesome weekend.
I have heard from a couple people now that Brandon has a name for me when I am not around the kiddos "Fun Erin"

A bunch of his buddies made the trek up North to help him celebrate turning the BIG 2-8!

Addy (Erin's Sister who owns Loons Landing) with her three adorable kiddos!

The cute lil couple!

Love this girly!

Finn just hanging out

The group!

Such a great performance!

The Birthday Boys!


Thank You again Erin and Addy for hosting such a great weekend....I think Loons Landing is becoming my favorite place to visit!!