Sunday, April 7, 2013

Jenny's Baby Shower

A few weekends back Reese and I headed down to Lakeville to celebrate a baby shower.  Jenny is due in the middle of April and is expecting a little baby boy or girl!
It was a fun girly day and I of course LOVED seeing all of the everyone!
Can't wait to meet the little peanut!

Reese enjoying a yummy cupcake

LOVE this picture that my friend Sarah took of us

All of the girls!

LOOOOOVE you two preggos!


Auntie Mana

Reese had a blast with Gayle

Miss Jenny in the middle.
I love my little preggo girls!

Besties already!  Reese can't wait to meet her future girlfriends!

Love Love Love her

Me and my baby

Having a fun time!