Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What I Do....

I had an Amazing opportunity to sit with some college students last week at Children's Hospital in Minneapolis to discuss 'my life as a health care worker.'  My very good friend Natalie asked if I would attend and since I volunteered there and wanted to see the hospital updates....I thought I would try it!  I am so very glad I did.  Poor Miss Natalie texted me the night before and said Influenza had struck and she wasn't able to attend.  Poor gal.  So I arrived at Children's (oh my gosh has it changed!) and talked with some students with another great friend and coworker Hanna.  I also got to see a fellow Ole Cross Country Runner (Jenna who was in charge of the discussion!)  

Any ways....The reason for this post is to sort of reflect on my AMAZING job that I get to go to everyday (well maybe not every day as Josh would correct me)  Maybe more like 2-3 times a week :)
Most of the discussion was about why we chose nursing, what a typical schedule looks like, what are the challenges etc.
Oh my...I really haven't sat down for an entire hour to reflect on my life as a nurse.
My family and friends know me as a friend, 'previous' runner, cousin, auntie, sister, mother, wife, scrapbooker, blogger.....  But I feel as though my coworkers are truly the only people who get to see me as a nurse.  I thought it was so neat last Thursday.  I gave a 97 year old a back rub when I went upstairs to help the girls on 3rd floor.  I did discharge education for 45 minutes on an elderly women who was going home, I attended 5 birthday parties!  Including a set of twins.  And I ended my night with being in charge.  (That's a lot of random things in a 13 hour period)

I love what I do.

Being a Nurse Means

You will never be bored.
You will always be frustrated.
You will be surrounded by challenges.
So much to do and so little time.

You will carry immense responsibility
and very little authority.

You will step into people's lives
and you will make a difference.
Some will bless you.
Some will curse you.

You will see people at their worst and at their best.
You will never cease to be amazed at people's capacity for 
love, courage and endurance.

You will see life begin and end.
You will experience resounding triumphs 
and devastating failures.

You will cry a lot.
You will laugh a lot.
You will know what it is to be human and humane.

-Melodie Chenevert

When I was talking to the small group about what it is like to work in the obstetric/neonatal world I described how incredibly amazing it is to be a part of such a life changing experience in someone's life.  But I also explained that there are days that each and every one of us will remember forever.   Those days are hard....those are days that you wish you did something else.  I always joke (If I worked at Archivers would it be this stressful?  What is the worse thing that could happen?  Someone is upset because they don't have the paper or stickers they are looking for?)  I also think....holy cow....I work will ALL women, My patients are ALL women and most of the physicians are ALL women.  
(drama-ville much :) hehe.

I also was incredibly surprised at what has happened since college.
2007-2010 North Memorial
Cardiac/Telemetry Nurse
Unit Charge Nurse
Float Nurse
Postpartum Nurse

2010 Maple Grove Hospital
Postpartum Nurse
Special Care Nursery Nurse
Pediatric Nurse
Postpartum Unit Lead
Maple Leaf Award Winner
PCF (charge nurse)

(and keep in mind we got married, bought a house, got a puppy and had 2 babies during this time too :)

I am starting a new adventure!
Next week I will begin classes and orientation to become a L&D nurse.
I attend deliveries now (as the baby nurse) but will cross train to Labor and Delivery with 2 other wonderful gals.  I am petrified.
I am (as all of you know) a type A, OCD type of gal and I don't like being soso at my job.  So not knowing things is going to be scary.  I know though that I have the most amazing coworkers, preceptors and educator in the world.  So here we go....Laboring Women here I come!  I promise I will do all that I can do to make your experience what you always dreamed :)  hehe.

And here are some nursing quotes I found off of pinterest that are just OH so True.


Carissa said...

You are a fabulous nurse!!! You will be great as a L and D nurse! Way to go!