Tuesday, July 3, 2012


I feel like this blog post is going to be one of those "Erin Rambling Sessions"
But I just need to write, write and write some more.
I know most of the time I use this blog to post pictures of family and friends and keep people up to date about what is happening in our life.

But today I just want to write.

I don't know if it's because we had a couple things happen at work that shook me up, whether it's the death of a local 16 year old, whether it's because my best friend got married this weekend, whether it's the 15th anniversary of my Dad's death, if it's seeing a healthy sister of the bride celebrate the weekend after having clean scans and being cancer free for a year, or whether it's the diagnosis of a Trisomy 18 babe of my sister-in-law's girlfriend.

Life...so incredibly precious....and I am so incredibly blessed to have such a wonderful family.

I don't know if this is God's way of making me slow down and truly appreciate the loves in my life.
Well God.  You did a pretty good job because my mind was spinning and now I am sitting here just sitting and praising you as I listen to my 4 month old babble and my two year old play.




I love all of you.

I hope each of you remembers to take time out of your busy day to kiss those you love.

I know there are days that I forget.

But it is special days/anniversaries/celebrations/diagnoses etc that help you remember.

Please pray for those who are hurting and need strength.

That's all.  I just needed to get that off my chest.



Anonymous said...

Erin- you don't know me but I know Carissa, our husbands use to work together and I am good friend of Allie's :) I just wanted to say I love this post. We do need to slow down, kiss and hug our babies more and tell the ones we love how much they mean to us. God bless you and your family and have a safe 4th!

nicole said...

Erin- you don't know me but I know Carissa, our husbands use to work together and I am good friend of Allie's :) I just wanted to say I love this post. We do need to slow down, kiss and hug our babies more and tell the ones we love how much they mean to us. God bless you and your family and have a safe 4th!

Carissa said...

Love your post! Brought on a flood of tears! You are so right...we often times get so busy and caught up with our daily lives that we forget what is truly important. Thank you for reminding me! Love you...XOXO