Monday, July 9, 2012

The 4th

Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July!

We sure did!

We spent most of the HOT day inside (AC is a wonderful thing :)
Auntie Carissa, Uncle Eric and Cousin Cohen came over to play!
The boys played in the pool for a while, we went to Space Aliens and just relaxed all afternoon.

I got a call around 6 asking if I wanted to stay home for the evening from work.
(I was only going in for 4 hours)
And I said...."OF COURSE!!"
We went and got some ice cream at dairy queen and hung out with all of the neighbors.
And we may or may not have had a FABULOUS fireworks display in our very own backyard :)

Here are my little peanuts on the 4th!
All smiles!

Some cousin love!