Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Big Boy Carter

And we are officially potty training.

Josh and I were at Target 2 weeks ago and I saw the cute little boy underwear and thought...lets just see what happens :)

Carter had gone multiple times at his previous daycare,
but not once for me at home.
We put on the big boy underwear when we got home....and about 30 minutes later Carter came out of the bathroom with his nose crinkled up saying,
"I smell something!"
He had gone #2!
He looked in his little potty and said, "Look! A donut!"

I have to document this stuff, blackmail for when he gets older :)

He has been doing AMAZING.
Poor Dawn at daycare has quite a few potty training, so I felt bad springing this upon her, but no accidents at daycare yet....fingers crossed.

Hahaha I had to laugh, one night he was standing at the computer desk on the chair watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and all of a sudden and I hear a splattering noise. Carter did not have underwear on and was peeing directly on our desk and Josh's printer.
I thought it was kind of funny....Josh not so much.

We are excited if he can keep it up, and hopefully we don't take a huge step backwards when the babe comes. I didn't take any little undie shots but I did take one of him on the potty and one of him putting his stickers up on the chart!


Carissa said...

What a big boy! Way to go Carter!