Thursday, January 19, 2012

33 weeks!

How far along? 33 1/2 weeks! I cannot believe I am almost 34. That is always the number I like to get to. Now I can deliver at MGH with all my coworkers! I go to weekly appointments after the next visit. This 3rd trimester is flying by (too fast...slow down!!!)

Total weight gain: We are right on track, baby is growing and so is momma :) I was measuring 33 weeks exactly at my appointment today.

Maternity clothes? This is why I love my job....scrubs during the day and comfy sweatpants and Josh's shirts the rest of the time. My mom also left a ton of her cute long shirts for me while she is in BEAUTIFUL Hawaii. I am thankful for the shirts, but extremely jealous that she doesn't need them :)

Stretch marks? Nopers

Sleep: Missing sleeping on my belly. Wake up frequently through the night (not due to pregnancy) because a certain 2 year old can't make up his mind where he would like to sleep....his chair....the guest between mommy and daddy.....uuuuugh.

Best moments these past weeks: I am so so so proud of our big boy Carter who is now potty trained!!

Miss Anything? Went out to dinner with a bunch of coworkers and their fruity drinks looked rather tasty.

Movement: Baby is most active at bedtime. However I don't feel him/her a ton. I didn't feel Carter that much either.

Food cravings: Anything....Now that I feel well....ANY fabulous! I did have to make a pit stop in Cokato before going to Carissa's because I couldn't go without a snickers blizzard.

Anything making you queasy or sick: NOPERS, just a little heart burn, yay for TUMS

Gender: Still a surprise.....I think boy......But EVERYONE else thinks pink.

Labor signs: Nopers (good thing)

Symptoms: I feel amazing. Baby, you can stay in for a lot longer, I have so much to do before you arrive!

Belly Button in or out? Has been out for a LONG time.

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY. I feel so great. No complaints.

Looking forward to: Josh's parents coming up this weekend to paint! We are painting Carter's new big boy room. I am also looking forward to maternity pics! I cannot believe it is only 6 weeks until we meet this little peanut. My OB said 40.0 is the latest I get to go. (Since Carter was a little hefty when he was born :)


Carissa said...

You look so dang cute! Love your little blog idea:)