Thursday, January 19, 2012

33 weeks!

How far along? 33 1/2 weeks! I cannot believe I am almost 34. That is always the number I like to get to. Now I can deliver at MGH with all my coworkers! I go to weekly appointments after the next visit. This 3rd trimester is flying by (too fast...slow down!!!)

Total weight gain: We are right on track, baby is growing and so is momma :) I was measuring 33 weeks exactly at my appointment today.

Maternity clothes? This is why I love my job....scrubs during the day and comfy sweatpants and Josh's shirts the rest of the time. My mom also left a ton of her cute long shirts for me while she is in BEAUTIFUL Hawaii. I am thankful for the shirts, but extremely jealous that she doesn't need them :)

Stretch marks? Nopers

Sleep: Missing sleeping on my belly. Wake up frequently through the night (not due to pregnancy) because a certain 2 year old can't make up his mind where he would like to sleep....his chair....the guest between mommy and daddy.....uuuuugh.

Best moments these past weeks: I am so so so proud of our big boy Carter who is now potty trained!!

Miss Anything? Went out to dinner with a bunch of coworkers and their fruity drinks looked rather tasty.

Movement: Baby is most active at bedtime. However I don't feel him/her a ton. I didn't feel Carter that much either.

Food cravings: Anything....Now that I feel well....ANY fabulous! I did have to make a pit stop in Cokato before going to Carissa's because I couldn't go without a snickers blizzard.

Anything making you queasy or sick: NOPERS, just a little heart burn, yay for TUMS

Gender: Still a surprise.....I think boy......But EVERYONE else thinks pink.

Labor signs: Nopers (good thing)

Symptoms: I feel amazing. Baby, you can stay in for a lot longer, I have so much to do before you arrive!

Belly Button in or out? Has been out for a LONG time.

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY. I feel so great. No complaints.

Looking forward to: Josh's parents coming up this weekend to paint! We are painting Carter's new big boy room. I am also looking forward to maternity pics! I cannot believe it is only 6 weeks until we meet this little peanut. My OB said 40.0 is the latest I get to go. (Since Carter was a little hefty when he was born :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Big Boy Carter

And we are officially potty training.

Josh and I were at Target 2 weeks ago and I saw the cute little boy underwear and thought...lets just see what happens :)

Carter had gone multiple times at his previous daycare,
but not once for me at home.
We put on the big boy underwear when we got home....and about 30 minutes later Carter came out of the bathroom with his nose crinkled up saying,
"I smell something!"
He had gone #2!
He looked in his little potty and said, "Look! A donut!"

I have to document this stuff, blackmail for when he gets older :)

He has been doing AMAZING.
Poor Dawn at daycare has quite a few potty training, so I felt bad springing this upon her, but no accidents at daycare yet....fingers crossed.

Hahaha I had to laugh, one night he was standing at the computer desk on the chair watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and all of a sudden and I hear a splattering noise. Carter did not have underwear on and was peeing directly on our desk and Josh's printer.
I thought it was kind of funny....Josh not so much.

We are excited if he can keep it up, and hopefully we don't take a huge step backwards when the babe comes. I didn't take any little undie shots but I did take one of him on the potty and one of him putting his stickers up on the chart!

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Happy New Year!

Lots and lots to be excited for this year.
However we are so thankful for such an amazing 2011.
A fabulous year (well except for the 25 weeks of nausea)
but we are getting a baby out of I'm over it :)

New Years Eve was spent downtown with The Krogers and Naabs.
The snow was BEAUTIFUL...and it was nice I could drive everyone to our destinations!
Also thanks to my mom for hanging out with Carter Man.

Miss Andrea and I.

The girls and their drinks
(not going to lie.....I was kind of excited that I got to pass on this opportunity :)

Wishing everyone a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Thompson Family Christmas

Christmas Day we headed to Lakeville and spent the day at the Lundeens'

Grandma and Grandpa Thompson with the great grandkiddos and the youngest 2 grandkids.

Kel, Carter and Amy

Teagan and Jenny

Carter found lots of fun toys to play with.
This is after Santa came....he was a little on edge.

Baby Morgan in her cute little Christmas outfit.

Santa and Morgan

The kiddos

Bran, Kevin and Paigey relaxing :)

Hope everyone was as blessed as we were during this holiday season.
Nothing better than spending a whole day with Family.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

31 weeks!

How far along? 31 weeks!!! Into my 3rd Trimester! I switched providers, and had my first appointment with my new physician. It went great! Passed my glucose test (barely :)

Total weight gain: HAHAHA Maybe we should just leave that one out. Lets just say....I have officially caught up to where I am supposed to be. Who would have known one could possibly gain that much in 3 weeks....hehehe. Who can blame me! I was in starvation mode for 25 weeks, and now I think my body is holding onto to EVERY SINGLE thing I put into it :)

Maternity clothes? I purchased a SUPER cute pair of jeans this past week. SO comfy. Didn't need many maternity clothes though while in Florida...I miss being preggo in the summer (it's a little easier to wear cotton dresses, long tanks and leggings.

Stretch marks? Nopers

Sleep: Pregnancy wise....sleep is just fine, I could sleep like a baby. 2 year old who screams when we put him down, needs to be rocked to sleep then screams at 4 AM and crawls in bed with mommy and daddy...yeah....not so much fun. He has moved on from being scared of camels (I know right??!!) to being scared of sharks in his crib. This week he has started too sleep in his big boy bed again ... lets hope it lasts!

Best moments these past weeks: 28-29 weeks was spent in Florida! So AMAZING and relaxing. And of course spending the Holidays with family.

Miss Anything? Now that my tummy is better, a glass of wine sounds nice, especially when we go out to eat.

Movement: Baby is most active at bedtime. Still with an anterior placenta I don't feel much. All of the Doctors brought chocolate and treats this week to work...I could definitely feel him/her after all of those sweets :)

Food cravings: Panera Chicken Cesar sandwich, Benihana, snickers, pickles, warm tea, lattes, coffee SALT SALT SALT

Anything making you queasy or sick: NOPE! finally :)

Gender: Still a surprise....even though my coworkers attempt to ultrasound me everyday at work :)

Labor signs: Nopers (good thing)

Symptoms: I feel awesome. My third trimester with Carter was great too, hopefully it will remain the same.

Belly Button in or out? Has been out for a LONG time. I actually taped is down at work the other day, looked like a nose was coming out of my stomach.

Wedding rings on or off? On (however with my lovely wt gain, my fingers got a little puffy in Hot Florida)

Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY. I don't think I realized how crummy I felt for so long. I still get a little moody after working 4 12hr shifts in a row, but who wouldn't preggo or not preggo.

Looking forward to: Getting ready for this babe's arrival! I cannot believe I only have 9 weeks left. AND so much to do! I went through the newborn bins and took out "all" of the neutral items (Lets just say, financial wise, lets hope this little one is a boy, because EVERYTHING we have is allllll boy)

I am also looking forward to this week because Carter is potty training!! I have the whole week off, so I thought I would give it a try. Stay tuned for updates!