Saturday, September 17, 2011

State Fair Fun!

State Fair Fun!
Of course we picked THE HOTTEST DAY to go. (Thursday)
But it was still a blast!
We went with my Mom, Aunt Nancy, and cousins Mark and Jenny.

Marky the Birthday Boy!!

Carter LOVED the baby animals.
He wasn't too pumped about the big cows and sheep.
He kept saying, "Scared, Carter Scared!"
He won a little cow keychain and kept trying to share it with the baby calf.

Of course he found the tractor to drive.

Carter petting the baby lamb.
So so so cute!
He kept picking up the straw that had fallen out of the pen and would nicely put it back in. What a good little helper, keeping the barn clean :)

Jenny and Carter at the Rodeo.

Too cute!
Thanks for the fun day Mark and Jenny!