Monday, September 19, 2011

Future Daughter in Law (Playdate)

Sarah is a coworker of mine, and her little family only lives 5 minutes away in St. Michael.
We always joke that her daughter Jillian (22 months) and Carter will be going to the same school and will be in the same grade.....therefore we will be arranging their marriage :)

Therefore Jillian is my future daughter in law.

She is so so so adorable. Carter has always been kind of a bruit compared to her, she is so little and petite. We thought they would make the perfect pair.

The girls came over for a playdate. Their mommy and daddy had a date at the State Fair!

This is Jillian's baby sister cute is she!
And she was sooooo good!
Made me have a little more confident about being able to handle a toddler and a new baby.
(haha even though it was only for a couple hours!)

Carter trying to give his girlfriend kisses, she wasn't too excited about it.
I will make sure your daddy doesn't see this one Jillian (There may not be anymore playdates in the future if he does :) hehe.

We joke because it is nice to have them around to watch Carter if we are in a pinch, but the next time we are getting a babysitter for all of the kids and the grown-ups are going out for a change!