Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Mr and Mrs Johnson!!

Saturday was a grand celebration!
Robyn and Travis got hitched!!
Robyn is Carissa's best friend, and we have had so much fun getting to know Robyn and Travis.
The Remme's had a blast at the wedding.
Robyn looked absolutely GORGEOUS!

I had to laugh...
I was sitting at a table with Josh and some other guys from Cokato, and they were all commenting on how pretty her dress was.

(I don't think I have ever heard guys talking about, let alone noticing the brides wedding dress)
It was so so so beautiful.

This is one of my favorite pics....Definitely need to print this one out of auntie and Carter...

He spent the WHOLE day trying to get to Auntie.
He even decided to yell out during the ceremony....

Carter with Grandma and Grandpa Remme

Love Love Love this pic! Carissa with her little ham.
Love him to pieces.

All of the boys actually cooperating for a pic.

Me and my little bubba.

Cohen allllll smiles!
Carter was doing something funny to make him to laugh.
Cohen loves loves loves laughing at his silly big cuz.

Lots of love for Daddy!
Look at how cute my boys are.
They clean up nicely!

Congratulations to Robyn, Travis and Aiden!
We are so excited for your little family of three.
And Robyn you made one Beautiful Bride, looked pretty nice too :)