Friday, January 21, 2011

getting back on track

I had to laugh at the ledge in our kitchen today. For a very health family who maybe takes an ibuprofen every couple of weeks....this is what you would have seen the past couple days in the Remme house.

The plane ride home (last Wed) Josh started to feel achey and chilled....Crap....Fever, cough, congestion.
Carter had his "well" child check last Thursday. Me, being the wonderful mother I am thought I was just bringing him in for vaccines and a checkup. Well the little man had a double ear infection. Who would have known....he was a little saint on the plane (sleeping the whole time) and not one complaint from him our whole trip. Moral of the story is...sometimes nurses aren't the best mommy's (we tend to down play quite a few the green disgusting goop coming out of his eyes all week...oops)
Friday night Carter and I spiked a fever 101/102 and I had to call in sick all weekend. Monday I ventured to work (coughed the entire day) and came home....spiked another 102 temp. chills, body aches, cough etc. Thought I could make it through the night and head into the clinic in the AM....yup woke up at 2 AM couldn't breath, couldn't stop coughing, and couldn't get my temp down. Headed to the ER. Tues...Wed...Thurs had to call in sick. Today was my first day eating solid food in a week. Josh feels much better, just can't hear out of his left ear, and little man Carter is acting just fine and dandy.


We will be quarantined to our house this weekend, focusing on getting better and not exposing anyone else to this ickyness. I hope that none of your families have to deal with this...because it is no fun....but we are definitely heading in the healthy direction :)